Samarpan Goshala

jay Gau Mata

Samarpan Gaushala

H.H.Shri Sanjeev Krishna Thakur ji was doing parikrama of Shri Giriraj ji in year 2008.He saw some Cows (Gau matas) who were trying to find food in garbage.This moment changed Shri Thakur ji mind and He thought that we receite the katha of lord Shri Krishna who used to love monst in his life Cows (Gau matas).

Due to sewa of Cows (Gau matas) Shri Krishna was called by name of Gopal.Shri Thakur ji decided that we will build a Gaushala who will take care of those Cows (Gau matas) who are old,disabled and not in condition to produce the milk due to this they thrown out of their homes and they are living on roads.

When they get injured in an accident at that moment there is no one to take care of them.Thakur ji decided to start an Ambulance with 24 hrs Veterinary Doctors services.

Thakur ji established a trust named Shri Radha Madhav Sewasray Charitable Trust which is registerd with Goverment of India, Animal Welfare board of India and Gau sewa Ayog of Uttar Pradesh.

In year 2008 with the help of hundred and hundred devotees from across the world Thakur ji purchased the 5 Acres land in Shri Goverdhan ji and started construction there

On 20 December 2009 in presence of more than thousand and thousand devotees and dignatories from across the country and many devotees from Abroad Thakur ji did inauguration of Gaushala and named the Gaushala ; Samarpan Gaushala: First phase of Gaushala inaugurated on this date and more than 101 Gaumatas was brought in from roads who were lying here and there in search of food.

Gradually the work of Gaushala continued to progress and in year 2013 total 6 shades,Two big dryfodder store rooms,an office,staff quarters,water tank fascility and other necessary fascilities were prepared there.Since year 2013 sewa of more than 500 Gau matas are living here.

In the year 2016,hydraulic ambulance and roti machine was also inaugurated here in presence of revered saints. This roti machine produce moe than thousand and thousand chapati (Roti) and feed to all gau matas.

There is also a temple of Lord Bholenath and Shri Radha Krishna ji in the Gaushala. We have 9 rooms here where devotees can stay here.

With the help of devotees, We are taking care of these Gau matas.

Samarpan Gaushala
Neemgaon-Kunjera road
Goverdhan (Uttar Pradesh)-281502

Contact number : +91 8077-984024, +91 8285-009571